Lean on Me by Pat Simmons
Lean on Me by Pat Simmons

Being a Christian romance, Tabitha and Marcus find strength through their faith. How could you not love a man who steps up to be the caregiver to the caregiver! Written with compassion my heart went out to Tabitha and her sisters as they watch their beloved Aunt Tweet ravished with dementia. After at first jumping to the conclusion that Tabitha was irresponsible in the care of her great-aunt he soon recognizes his error. Marcus is the man every woman would love to have. “Lean on Me” is about family love and tackles the difficult topic of being a caregiver.Never having been in the situation Tabitha is I felt overwhelmed just reading about what her life was like caring for her great-aunt. As I read this lovely story, I could easily envision it as a Tyler Perry movie.

Lean on Me by Pat Simmons