‘Darke Awakening’ a cross over that ties Open Evening, Darke Blood and Cemetery House together – the Order of the Following series and that pentalogy I talked about.

My efforts will soon move to the next release. I’m in need of a new tactic to move books.

Sales are few and far between albeit better than last year and the year before. Whether or not the whole covid thing weighs on that, it’s still difficult keeping these books afloat in the deep waters of so many other writers trying to do the same. Marketing and sales is still a constant struggle. It’ll be done when it’s done (in a months time worst case…) This time around there is no urgent rush to finish, I have taken the slower approach, a gradual effort in taking in every sense that I wish the reader to experience.

Ten to fifteen thousand words remain for a trilogy and wider pentalogy that has defined my indie author efforts. I’m approaching the finish of my current WIP.